QRZ! Ham Radio 6
QRZ Ham Radio Callsign Database - Volume 6.iso
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193 lines
/* ************************************************************************
* Binary to hex converter for intellec format hex
* (C) By Dave Roberts G8KBB.
* This program is provided 'as is', with no warranty. It has been
* produced for use in self-tuition in amateur radio and is not
* to be used for commercial applications. It may be freely copied and
* used under these conditions.
* Invocation :
* INTEL infile outfile [ hex_start_address ]
* Return codes : AS detailed in the source. 0 for success, error
* codes 1 - 5 errors as detailed below.
#include <stdio.h>
unsigned Address; /* effective address of data */
unsigned char Buffer[32786]; /* buffer for i/p data from file */
unsigned char *Ptr; /* pointer into buffer for reading */
unsigned Count; /* number of bytes left in buffer */
FILE *Fpin, *Fpout; /* input & output file handles */
/* ***********************************************************************
* this is the main program.
* It exits with an error code of 0 if all went correctly.
* With 1 for a syntax error
* 2 for an input file open error
* 3 for an output file open error
* 4 for an input file read error
* 5 for an output file write error
* ***********************************************************************/
main( argc, argv )
char *argv[];
int ecode; /* error code on exit from main loop */
char *tmpptr; /* scratch pointer for strtol() */
int cont; /* flag to say stop looping */
Address = 0; /* address is zero unless user inputs one */
Count = 0; /* mark buffer as empty */
ecode = 0; /* error code will be zero if all goes well */
Ptr = Buffer; /* point to start of buffer */
cont = 1; /* flag used to loop in processing data */
printf("Intellec Hex record dump program, Version 2.0\n\n");
/* we need an input file & an output file.
* A start address is optional
* so need 2 or 3 parameters !
if( argc < 3 || argc > 4 )
printf( "Error - usage is :\n intel infile outfile [ start-address ]\n");
exit( 1 );
/* OK, we seem to have the parameters - so let's open the input
* file in BINARY !!!! mode.
* Error & exit if cannot.
if( ( Fpin = fopen( argv[1], "rb" ) ) == NULL )
perror("Input file error ");
exit( 2 );
/* Next, lets open the output file for write, in default mode
* Error & exit if cannot
if( ( Fpout = fopen( argv[2], "w" ) ) == NULL )
perror("Output file error ");
exit( 3 );
/* Now the optional start address.
* WARNING - being a lazy sod, just take the last 16 bits
if( argc == 4 )
Address = strtol( argv[3], &tmpptr, 16 );
/* MAIN LOOP - keep doing this until there is no more data
* or until an error occurs.
* Read a buffer full if there is less than 16 bytes left in buffer
* Crash out if there is a read error.
* Dump either 16 bytes, or whatever is left to dump
* Crash out if write error
* Exit anyway if there was less than 16 bytes ( as we did not
* read any more )
while( cont )
if( Count < 16 )
if( !getdata() )
perror("Input file ");
ecode = 4;
if( Count < 16 )
cont = 0;
if( !dump( Count >= 16 ? 16 : Count ) )
perror("Output file ");
ecode = 5;
/* dump trailing line
* close files
* and exit.
fprintf( Fpout, ":00000001ff\n" );
fclose( Fpin );
fclose( Fpout );
return( ecode );
/* ************************************************************************
* This function reads data from the input file.
* Firstly, if there is still a bit of data left in the buffer, move
* it down to the bottom of the buffer.
* Then point to the start of the buffer so we handle that data first.
* Now try to fill the buffer up.
* If we read less than we expected, just check to see that the reason
* was end of file & if not die horribly.
* Now check for file read errors for additional ways to die.
* Finally, update the byte counter to reflect the new buffer size & return
* a return of 0 means error, 1 means all went well.
* ************************************************************************/
unsigned int i;
if( Count != 0 )
memmove( Buffer, Ptr, Count );
Ptr = Buffer;
i = fread( Buffer+Count, sizeof( char ), sizeof(Buffer)-Count, Fpin );
if( i != sizeof(Buffer)-Count && !feof( Fpin ) )
return( 0 );
if( ferror( Fpin ) )
return( 0 );
Count += i;
return( 1 );
/* *************************************************************************
* Dump function for a line of data.
* This outputs a single line of (num) bytes of data.
* It checks each write for an error.
* Firstly, it sends the line preamble, count, address and type.
* Then it sends each byte in turn.
* Finally it computes the checksum & sends that too.
* A return of 0 means error, a return of 1 means all went well.
* ************************************************************************/
dump( num )
unsigned num;
int i;
unsigned char csum;
if( num == 0 )
return( 1 );
fprintf( Fpout, ":%02x%04x%02x", num, Address, 0 );
if( ferror( Fpout ) )
return( 0 );
csum = num + ( (Address >> 8) & 0xff) + (Address & 0xff);
for( i=0; i<num; i++ )
fprintf( Fpout, "%02x", *Ptr );
if( ferror( Fpout ) )
return( 0 );
csum += *Ptr++;
if( ! ++Address )
printf("WARNING. The address exceeded 0xffff.\n");
fprintf( Fpout, "%02x\n", (0-csum) & 0xff );
if( ferror( Fpout ) )
return( 0 );
return( 1 );